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Rename Statement (更名声明)













Rename Statement

Starting from September 23rd, 2021, the CESS Distributed Storage Project, which we have been leading and developing for four years, has been officially renamed EDCS Distributed Storage Project. Please inform each other and be sure to know!

We are a creative computer R&D team with dreams, and the technical characteristics of blockchain always make us keep up with its development. In view of the fact that the development of global 5G technology is bound to bring explosive growth of data volume, it must be a trend and opportunity to innovate the way of data storage. So, in October 2017, we formally established the CESS Distributed Storage Project, striving for seize the opportunities in the storage field through the exploration and innovation of various technology’s arrangements and combinations. Although the process of the technology development is so uncertain and there were constant problems along the way, we still devote ourselves to solving problems and exploring optimization paths. Finally, it took four years to develop a very satisfactory distributed storage product.

During four years of research and development, we have only participated in a handful of industry seminars. However, even though we are low-key enough, this track is really messy. It is surprising that many CESS Distributed Storage Projects have emerged, making it difficult for users to distinguish the real from the fake, and even peers who have communicated with us before will come to ask us for proof. We are both puzzled and angry. At the same time, we are actively seeking ways to right our name.

Therefore, in order to reintroduce all users to us and truly witness the results of 4 years of research and development without the interference of industry’s chaos, we have made big decisions: From September 23st, 2021, CESS Distributed Storage Project, officially renamed as EDCS Distributed Storage Project!

EDCS Distributed Storage Project (Formerly CESS Distributed Storage Project) is to build different communities according to different language environments and user bases around the world. It will now fully support the construction of two language communities, English and Chinese, and carry out the landing exploration of distributed storage.

Meanwhile, the main network of EDCS Distributed Storage Project will enter the testing phase in October 2021. The main network is expected to be officially launched in November 2021. For more information, please follow the information section on the EDCS official website.

Hereby declared!

EDCS Distributed Storage Project Side

(Formerly CESS Distributed Storage Project Side)

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